"From the moment children join the school in the early years, caring staff set clear routines. Staff make their high expectations for behaviour plain. This gives pupils a strong sense of security and belonging and they behave well. They are kind and befriend new arrivals, making them feel welcome. Pupils are happy and safe. Parents and carers said that their children love coming to school" Ofsted June 2022
Reception Admissions for September 2025
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you need to apply for a reception school place for September 2025.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
As a local authority school, all of our admission processes are handled by Haringey. Click here for further information on the admissions process
Applying for a school place for September 2025 in Reception or Junior School (
School Tours
If you would like to visit the school, please contact the school office - we would be delighted to meet you!
Nursery Applications
We accept Nursery applications throughout the year, depending on availability. Children may join at the start of the term that follows their third birthday.
All children are entitled to 15 hours free early education (15 hours FEE) from the term after their 3rd birthday.
We also offer 30-Hours free childcare places for children subject to eligibility. For information on 30-hours funding please apply via the following link the term before they are due to start Nursery:
For further information on how to apply for a place in our fantastic Nursery or to arrange a tour, please telephone the school office on 0208 888 2780
2 Year Old Provision
Our Sweet Peas provision is a wonderful caring and nurturing environment, ideal for younger children making their first steps into nursery. We have a small team of dedicated and experienced staff who will provide your child with a high standard of care and through the EYFS will help to provide experiences and opportunities for your child to develop and shine.
We are open during term time only and can offer free places for eligible families for children in the term after they turn 2. We also can offer private paid places for 2 year olds.
Our Session times are:
Morning Session - 8.45am -
For further information on how to apply for a place in Sweet Peas or to arrange a tour, please telephone the school office on 0208 888 2780
In Year Admissions
An in-year admission is when you need to make an application to a school outside of the normal admissions round, at a time when your child should already be attending school. You would normally be making an in-year application if you recently moved, arrived from another country, or want to transfer your child to another school.
We welcome visits to see our wonderful school so please contact the office to book a tour.
Tel:0208 888 2780